Now, the work of growing your Executive Presence is within reach.
By working one element at a time and taking bite-sized steps of improvement, you will begin to increase your influence.
Purchase your "Elements of Executive Presence" cards by contacting us with the "Connect" link below. We've also provided some supplemental materials for download to help you maximize your success.

Use these supplemental materials to support your influence
and increase your Executive Presence.
This free download includes:
Overview and Action Plan sheet
Action Plan sheets (horizontal)
Action Plan sheets (vertical)
Common Challenges and Recommendations
When we give a presentation, we have a fantastic opportunity to influence others' attitudes, understanding and action. Do we usually maximize this opportunity?
Not really.
Presentations are often seen as burdensome and many of us struggle with what steps to take and how to prepare. We end up cramming slides from previous PowerPoint™ decks together in the hope that it will come together as a coherent story. Then, we use our slides to deliver our message, instead of connecting with our audience as a presenter and influencer.
Try this instead...
Download this worksheet template and use the fillable Excel document to create your outlines. It's easy. (you can also import to Google Sheets)
The Presentation Planner tool takes you through the process of constructing a compelling outline by using specific prompts to help you refine your thinking and your message.
It helps you clarify your desired outcomes and your audience's views so that you can deliver a message that is clear, compelling and a catalyst for action.
Once you have created an outline designed to influence, you can decide if/where you need visual support. (slides, flip-charts, etc)
This is a very fast and effective way to focus a jumble of thoughts into a cohesive and engaging presentation.

Your ability to influence others depends in large
part on the quality of your relationships.
In order to keep the quality high,
it's very important to be strategic in
managing your stakeholders.
This simple worksheet will first help you take a comprehensive inventory of your network.
Then, it will guide you through the process of
assessing current levels of trust and alignment.
From there, you will identify the top 3 priority stakeholders for whom you will invest
extra attention for the next 90 days.
When we are working to build greater
trust and/or alignment with a stakeholder, it’s
important that we do what we can to influence
the quality of our conversations with them.
These Conversation Starter worksheets help
you refine your thinking in advance of your
conversation, and step into your stakeholder’s
shoes to ensure that you’ll address their
needs and interests when you speak.
Your answers to the prompting questions will
generate the beginning of an outline that
can help inform the flow of your discussion.

Since I started using the Presentation Planner tool and receiving your expert coaching on how best to deliver my presentations, I have gotten incredibly positive feedback. Thank you!”
— Kate Rowbotham, VP, Customer Engagement, West Region, Genentech.